Godzilla vs Trump Comic

When I was younger, I always wanted to make my own comic book, but I never had the skills or patience to make it very far before everything just fell apart. In the last few years, however, through practice in making cartoons for my high school newspaper and other side projects, I decided to take a few lessons and give it another spin. This is Godzilla vs Trump.

One summer, I was retaking a math 1050 class (got an A- BTW) and just kind of doodled in my notebook to pass the time. By far, the images I drew the most were of Godzilla (I’ve been a lifelong fan) and our current POTUS Donald Trump (I’m a political science major, so it only figures). Seeing this, I decided “Hey, why not make a comic that puts the two of them together!” Hence, Godzilla vs Trump.

It’s taken about a year so far, and there’s still work to do (3 Chapters in total), but I wanted to share what I’ve done so far on Godzilla vs Trump with you guys. I hope you enjoy it! I know I’ve enjoyed making it.

Note: I am not claiming to hold any rights to the Godzilla character, who is the express property of Toho Studios, his name or origin story. This is merely a fan project made in celebration of a pop culture icon and was done for entertainment purposes only—not to make any profit.

Chapter 3 Pending…